Graphic Novel Review- Black Powder, Red Earth: Yemen Vol. 3

Black Powder, Red Earth: Yemen Volume 3 is the next chapter in the series of the same name. I had previously reviewed the first two volumes of these graphic novels written by Jon Chang and illustrated by Josh Taylor. It continues the saga of the Private Military Companies who are fighting the terrorists trying to sabotage oil companies in developing Middle East countries.

The PMCs hit a roadblock from battling terrorists when several of their mercenaries are led into a trap and killed. Now they are on the hunt for the mastermind behind the plot to stabilize the region and help the nation develop a new economy while also trying to catch the terrorists who are out for blood.

It is refreshing to read a comic book that is not bogged down by political correctness and is also good. Jon Chang crafts together an excellent story that is enthralling, concise, and has a ton of thrills. Likewise, Josh Taylor delivers in the art style. It goes hand-in-hand with the overall tone of the graphic novel, helping to weave it together to perfection.

Nerds and geeks who whine that there are no good comic books for people who don’t like political correctness, this is one right here. Definitely support indie comic book writers and artists in their quest to give us good content.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Tell me if there is a comic book, movie, or novel you would like me to review. While you are at it, check out my reviews of the graphic novel The Fall And Rise Of Captain Atom. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more posts like this one.

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