‘The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague’ Anime Review

The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague is a magical slice-of-life romantic comedy anime based on the manga created by Miyuki Tonogaya and published by Square Enix. The TV show was produced by the Japanese animation studio Zero-G and Liber.

Himuro (Lee George) is a Japanese salaryman who has an interesting background. He is the descendent of a “snow woman” so any time he feels intense emotions, he causes snow flurries in the immediate vicinity. He meets the stoic Fuyutsuki (Kristen McGuire), a colleague, and immediately gets a crush on her. As they work together, they become friends with co-workers Saejima (Austin Tindle) and Komori (Caitlin Glass), a descendant of a fox spirit. The four became fast friends even as Himuro continues to develop feelings for Fuyutsuki. As they work together, he debates how to confess his feelings, especially when his sister Yukimin (Helena Walstrom) arrives and immediately begins being nosy.

At the risk of sounding droll, this anime was chill and wholesome. There were no weird pervert tropes that show up way too much in manga or anime, just a man who has a crush on a co-worker. Ironically, Fuyutsuki is considered a cold cat lady as she is career-oriented and can be forward, but Himuro finds those things attractive, especially realizing her kindness upon their first meeting. It was entertaining to watch him control his flurries as he reacts to the events around him and we laugh as he awkwardly tries to get closer to the one he loves.

With the supernatural influence, it is interesting. It adds a flair or surprise to the episodes. You never know what will set off the snow flurries with Himuro or when Komori will suddenly grow canine teeth. A lesser author would have overused or underused this trope, but mangaka Tonogaya keeps it very well-balanced.

The show ends a bit on a cliffhanger. While I am not at all curious about what happens with the side characters, I do hope we get a second season or at least an OVA so we can see what happens with the relationship with Himuro and Fuyutsuki, as this “will-they, won’t they” is more entertaining than anything on network television.

Check out the trailer below:

PARENTAL CONCERNS: Some rude humor

This review is based on the dub from Crunchyroll.

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