James Patterson’s ‘Texas Ranger’ Novel Highlight

James Patterson and Andrew Bourelle write the mystery action novel Texas Ranger, the first in a new series. It was published in 2018 by Little, Brown and Company.

From the synopsis on Wikipedia,

“This novel’s main character is Texas Ranger Rory Yates. Anne, the ex-wife of Yates, has been receiving death threats. She asks Yates to return to her home, because she is scared. Before Yates can return someone murders Anne in a brutal fashion. Yates is asked to stay away from the case, but he unofficially searches for the killer. Before Yates can find the murderer, this killer strikes again.”

It is always fun to read a novel based in my home state of Texas. That being said, I did not know what to expect from Patterson who is from New York. Bourelle works in New Mexico which is a bit closer. That being said, they did a good job.

The novel was incredibly compelling. It kept hinting that the killer was close to our protagonist Yates, but the villain was closer than you think. It had so many twists and turns, but still managed to flow with no issue. I was hooked on the book and read at least two chapters a night. There was no stopping it as you started at chapter one. The mystery was thrilling and the characters were interesting. I cannot wait to pick up book two.

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