‘Lights Out: The Snap Agency’ Novel Highlight

Book one of “The SNAP Agency” series Lights Out is written by Natalie Walters and published by Revell in 2021.

The GoodReads description reads,

“CIA analyst Brynn Taylor developed a new program to combat terrorism, and she invited members of foreign intelligence agencies to America to foster cooperation between countries. Now one of them, Egyptian spy Remon Riad, is missing.

Jack Hudson has been working for the Strategic Neutralization and Protection Agency (SNAP) for almost nine years and takes the lead in hunting down the missing spy. But he isn’t at all pleased to find out Brynn is involved. It’s hard to trust a woman who’s already betrayed you.

Every lead they follow draws them dangerously deeper into an international plot. Kidnapping, murder, explosions, poisoning–the terrorists will do anything to accomplish their goal of causing a digital blackout that will blind a strategic US military communications center and throw the world into chaos.

Can Brynn surrender control to a man who doesn’t trust her? And can Jack ever get over what she did to him? The fate of the world–and their hearts–hangs in the balance.”

This is an excellent choice to read by your nightstand lamp. It has a lot of cool intrigue that is typical of a spy thriller. We have drama, romance, and action all poured into this novel. It well-written and well-thought out. I will say, sometimes the Brynn and Jack’s conversations go on a bit too long at times, but it was not enough to derail the book.

I enjoyed reading it and had a good time learning about the SNAP agency and how they take on those who would do harm to the United States.

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