Movie Review- Iron Man 2

In 2010, Iron Man 2 came to the big screen with Jon Favreau returning as director and the character Happy Hogan. It was the first sequel in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after its 2008 predecessor and The Incredible Hulk.

Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) is dying. The very thing powering his chest arc-reactor is slowly killing him. Only JARVIS (Paul Bettany), his AI assistant knows the truth. He starts to push everyone away including Air Force Colonel James “Rhodey” Rhodes (Don Cheadle), bodyguard Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau), and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), whom he makes CEO of Stark Enterprises.

His company hires Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johanssen) to keep an eye on him, not realizing she is an undercover SHIELD Agent working for Nick Fury (Samuel Jackson). Little do they know, business rival Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) has hired Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), who tried to assassinate Stark, to build weapons to rival Tony’s Iron Man suit.

This movie is not as epic as its predecessor. It seemed to rely more on the humorous talent of Rockwell and Downey, but overplayed that hand just a tad much, making it seemed forced and out of place in the film.

Outside of that, Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard as Rhodey made sense. While no one can deny Howard’s skill, Cheadle seemed to make the role work better for him. His chemistry with Downey is impressive.

Favreau does bring together a cast of ensemble all-stars and manages to create an excellent plot. Rourke’s character is a bit underwhelming as a an antagonist. He is suppose to be a combination of the Crimson Dynamo and Whip Lash, both powerful foes to Iron Man, but the danger was a little too downplayed.

One final thought, Robert Downey, Jr. proves why he is the king of the MCU. Once again, his on screen persona and the power he brings to the role is very impressive.


PARENTAL CONCERNS: Foul language, Violence

Watch the trailer below:

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This article has been updated from a previous version.


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