10 Inspirational Voddie Baucham Quotes For Juneteenth

Voddie Bauchman is a Black minister, author, and patriot who has contributed so much richness to the culture. He has written countless articles, penned several books, and preached many sermons on faith, family, and more.

Here are 10 Inspirational Voddie Baucham Quotes For Juneteenth:

“Justice is the righteous application of the law of God.”

“If Psalm 1 is to be believed, we must not allow our children to stand, sit or walk with those who deny biblical truth and morality. Instead, we must place them in situations that will aid them in meditating on the law of the Lord ‘day and night.’ Surely this involves how and where they are to be educated.”

“Modern American dating is no more than glorified divorce practice. Young people are learning how to give themselves away in exclusive, romantic, highly committed (at times sexual) relationships, only to break up and do it all over again.”

“The center and the core of the Gospel is what God has done. Not what I have done.”

“True repentance is the result of an accurate understanding of the significance and gravity of sin, coupled with an overwhelming desire for the remission of that sin through the person and work of Christ and turning from sin and dead works to faith and obedience.”

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16–17). In no area does God require me to walk in a level of righteousness for which the Scriptures do not equip me—including any and all aspects of justice.”

“A selfless man will be characterized by patience, restraint and an eagerness to do what is best for the object of his affections.”

“There will never be enough gold chains, fine linen, praise, adoration, or anything else to satisfy the yearning that God has placed in us. Only his presence in the Land of Promise will satisfy his people.”

“The first step in leading is to be heading somewhere.”

“Today churches look at resumés and never examine the home. In the New Testament church, a man’s home was his resumé.”

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