DC Comics Announces “Batman: The Last Halloween” With Jeph Loeb

The world was taken by surprise with the release of Batman: The Long Halloween written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by the late-great Tim Sale. After a follow-up Special, DC Comics announced that they are planning a ten-part miniseries The Last Halloween with Jeph Loeb returning to write and several guest artists.

“Before a packed room of comic book retailers at MCM London, DC announced plans to release Batman The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween, the final act in the acclaimed and beloved Batman: The Long Halloween series by Jeph Loeb and the late Tim Sale,” they wrote on their website.

DC noted, “For the debut issue, Loeb will be joined by fan-favorite artist Eduardo Risso (100 Bullets, Detective Comics, The Batman Who Laughs), Dave Stewart and Richard Starkings, with art for future issues of the series provided by some of the top artists in comics, including Klaus Janson (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Detective Comics, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight), Mark Chiarello (Batman: Black and White, Batman/Houdini: The Devil’s Workshop), and others to be named later.”

Loeb and Sale also collaborated on Batman: Dark Victory, which retold the story of Dick Grayson becoming Robin.

Loeb explained, “Batman The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween is Tim Sale’s parting gift to me.”

“Tim and I had already decided to tell this last chapter following Batman: The Long Halloween Special, which will serve as the prologue to this 10-part action-packed mystery,” he continued.

“Tim’s unfortunate passing put our plans for this series on hold,” he added.

“About a year later, after speaking with Mark Chiarello and Richard Starkings, my partners on the previous Long Halloween titles, we decided the time was right to move this forward as a tribute to Tim, who continues to be with us in spirit.” Loeb said, “This story concludes the war between the freaks and the crime families forever, as Batman, Robin, and DC’s most infamous Bat-villains face off against Holiday, and secrets dating back to Batman: The Long Halloween Special will be revealed.”

DC Comics announced that you can pre-order the first issue of Batman: The Last Halloween on June 14 which will be released on September 25.

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