‘Robotech: Rick Hunter’ Issue 3 Comic Book Review

Titan Comics presents Robotech: Rick Hunter. It continues the story of Veritech pilot Rick Hunter before the events of “The Masters” saga. Issue three is written by Brandon Easton and drawn by Simone Ragazzoni.

Zentradi warrior Zeraal has a climactic battle with Rick Hunter and his fellow Robotech pilots. After multiple casualties, the Zentradi retreat, but vow to return to destroy humanity. The Army of the Southern Cross has yet to send over some much-needed resupply, but one pilot thinks he can get the equipment. Hunter then remembers his life in the first Robotech War while Zeraal is desperate to prepare Earth for the arrival of the Masters.

Ragazzoni does a fantastic job with the artwork. I was very impressed with how she did the character designs and the battle sequences. They pop off the page and bring us back to the Robotechnology days of old. The opening battle between Hunter and Zeraal was incredible. I am excited to see what the next phase of it is and how it will come to life on the page.

Easton also delivers on the story. This is a little known era of the Robotech quest set between the First Robotech War and The Masters saga. There have been a few attempts to write this portion released to varying degrees, but Easton does a good job of making it to come life for the reader. It has the nineties sci-fi comic book series feel that you could just dive into.

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