‘What Really Happened In Maui’ Documentary Review

Blaze Originals is a new documentary series from Blaze Media and their first episode deals with a very American tragedy in What Really Happened In Maui?

Hosted by commentator Lauren Chen, we get a very compelling look at the Maui fires that took place in August 2023. Through interviews with locals, journalists, and community leaders, the impact of the fire is made to feel very real as the camera pans over scorched land and homes that many people call home.

Chen is an excellent host, asking all of the right questions and establishing a timeline for the events before, during, and after the fire to paint a sobering picture of government incompetence, media compliance, and special interest activities.

With the government’s incompetence, we see how officials refused to sound evacuation alarms and even trapped people in the danger zone only to come in for a few seconds to shake a few hands once it got under control. We are shown how the media parroted claims of climate change with no evidence of that being the case and finally, we are treated to how poorly the victims of the fire are treated in favor of political megadonors trying to buy land for cheap.

The documentary lays out the facts, offers insight, and reveals just how many unanswered questions there are, but answers a few questions you had before. This is a good start to this new series by Blaze Media and I hope to see more from this series.

Check out the trailer below:

PARENTAL CONCERNS: Some distressing images

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