‘Leo’ Review- A Funny Kids Flick

Leo is an animated film from Netflix and Happy Madison Productions that is directed by Robert Marianetti, Robert Smigel, and David Wachtenheim.

The lizard Leo (Adam Sandler) and his turtle friend Squirtle (Bill Burr) live in a Florida fifth-grade class. When the school year starts, they meet the new class, but Leo becomes concerned when he hears that he only has a year to live. Things take a turn when the Principal (Rob Schneider) announces a new teacher named Mrs. Malkin (Cecily Strong) who announces that pets will be taken. At first, Leo plans to escape, but when he accidentally reveals he can talk, he discovers his wisdom helps the kids in the class, but Squirtle gets jealous.

When you hear Adam Sandler, you do not think of a “kids movie.” However, he not only voiced the lead, he also co-wrote and co-produced it. Going into it, I did not know what to expect, especially as an animation enthusiast, but I walked thinking he did a good job.

Kicking it off, the animation was not bad. I thought all of the character designs were very well done, especially how the expressions were done with Leo and Squirtle. The backgrounds and scenery were also pretty good with a lot of texture that made it look like they put in a lot of effort.

I also thought it was hilarious how they drew the kindergarten students who were running around with googly eyes. That only added to the fun.

The voice acting was also very well done. Sandler nailed the role of Leo, bringing all of the charm and wit to the role. Burr was also hilarious. He should do more voice acting as he nailed the part of the jealous friend of Leo. I also thought the kid voice actors all did very well in their respective roles. They actually sounded like real kids instead of adults speaking in high-pitched voices.

There was also a good message. Leo gives the kids in the class genuinely good advice for their issues and learns something himself. At first, he thought having “experiences” was what would give him a full life, but he soon learns that helping people is fulfilling. Sure, it is punctuated with some juvenile humor, but this is a kid’s movie. What do you expect?

Bottom line, Leo is a fun kids’ movie that is funny, lighthearted, and cute. It has lots of moments that kids can enjoy and some excellent banter for the adults.

PARENTAL CONCERNS: Rude humor, Minor violence

FAVORITE QUOTE: No, not like that.

Check out the trailer below:

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