‘Cobalt: Death Stalks Us’ Graphic Novel Review

Brought to us by TaleEnd Studios comes the indie comic book Cobalt: Death Stalks Us, this story comes from writer Jakes Adams and illustrator Erwin J. Arroza.

Picking right up where Atlanta Thrashing ended, Jesse Jensen aka the vigilante Cobalt faces the criminal organization known as the Thrashers. Atlanta PD Detective Reyes finds his childhood home only to be confronted by the mercenary known as the DeathStalker. Cobalt and Reyes face off against the hitman, but he proves way deadlier than they first thought.

To be honest, after two years of waiting, I was starting to get impatient with the release. That being said, this is a good comic book.

The artwork is sublime. Arroza does an excellent job with both the cover and the interior designs, matching the vibe and displaying the story in an excellent way. I especially like the character designs of Cobalt and DeathStalker. You can tell they were tailor-made for this indie adventure and they worked well within the plot.

As for the story itself, I enjoyed it. I miss that action-packed character exploration that the mainstream comic book industry used to give us. Adams and TaleEnd Studio saw that void and gave us an enthralling story of Cobalt and his quest to save his city. This is an excellent sequel to the story of Jesse and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

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