’60 Minutes’ Review- A Dad’s Journey To See His Child

60 Minutes is a European action film directed by Oliver Kienle who co-wrote it with Philip Koch. It was developed by Nocturna Production and released on Netflix.

Octavio Bergmann (Emilio Sakray) is an MMA Fighter who is in for the fight of his life. As he prepares for his next fight in Berlin, Germany. However, his ex-wife Mina (Livia Matthes) calls him and says that if he does not arrive at his daughter’s birthday party, she will file for full custody. He decides to ditch the fight to be there. Unfortunately, those who have a lot of money invested in the fight plan to sabotage his visit. As a result, he has to navigate through the streets of Berlin to make it as people with a lot of money want him to show up for the match.

I want to applaud Emilio Sakray. I am not familiar with his previous work, but he does a great job with the role. You truly feel his character’s desperation while he is trying to reach his daughter’s birthday party so he does not lose her. He did a good job and I was truly moved by his motivation.

That being said, this movie barely impressed me. It was a derivative action film that did not offer anything new to the “emotional action” genre. You have an emotionally charged incident, a protagonist who wants to save his family, thugs chasing the protagonist, and money is involved. All of those tropes are hit on, so it did not feel unique. However, the “real time” effect made it more intriguing and made up for those faults.

The fight choreography was pretty solid as well. Again, nothing over the top impressive, but they did a decent job with making it look sleek and cool.

As for the rest of the cast, no one was bad or terrible in acting, but it was also not necessarily showstopping. Since it focused so much on the main character, this was a minor thing and Sakray more than did his share.

I did like the father side of it. It was refreshing to watch a movie where the dad was not a deadbeat or an abuser. Good fathers are rare in cinema these days and this movie actually showed the lengths a dad would go to celebrate their child.

Bottom line, 60 Minutes has a compelling protagonist, but not much else. It is not unique to its genre or even its plot. That being said, it’s the story of a father’s love is worth hearing.

FAVORITE QUOTE: Ask me again if I want a black eye.

PARENTAL CONCERNS: Strong foul language, Violence

Check out the trailer below:

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