Rachel Holt: “I Was Gonna Be” Music Review

Rachel Holt sang the soon-to-be hit single “I Was Gonna Be,” released through Baste Records. The song is somber and reminds the listener about the sanctity of life.

First of all, I have to mention Holt’s voice. She is an underrated talent and this song definitely shows it. I was very impressed with the way she brought the song to life and let the emotions flow. As a listener, I can tell you that she pulls you in.

Prominent songwriter Chris Wallin penned the song and he nailed it. It has a very simple melody that pulls you into it. It sounds so graceful and well done. The lyrics are simple, telling the story of life who never got the chance to live. This is a sobering reminder that millions of children die, not from disease, but from a horrific procedure before they are even born. It was emotional and poignant, pulling you into its compassion.

Kudos to Baste Records for releasing this song.

You can watch the music video on X:

Check out the lyric video as well:

“I started writing this song for myself. I didn’t think anyone would have the courage to sing this,” Chris Wallin told Breitbart. “I played her the song and her first words, she goes, ‘I’m singing that song.”

He added, “I think a lot of the songs that girls my age listen to never talk about real life. And that’s what I want to do.”

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One comment

  1. I admire Rachel’s brave stance to just sing this song no matter what opposition may come. May God bless her. Speak the truth in love.

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