Ava Aston And Sledge X: “That’s My Song” Music Review

Sledge X collaborates with Ava Aston for the Bandcamp release ‘Pour The Light In’ which includes the pop song “That’s My Song.” It was released through the Bronze Serpent Media banner.

Ava has a fantastic voice and she blended well with the song. She was spot-on in her singing and delivered the lyrics so well. She also brought a grace to the song that made it feel sincere, not that it would not have been if Sledge X had done it solo, but her contribution cannot be underscored.

Likewise, my man Alfonzo “Zo” Rachel does an excellent job with the arrangement. He is a talented guitarist and percussionist which this song definitely highlights. Together, they make a good team for this song. You can feel the pop, rock, and funk influences in this number, making it one you can jam along with.

Speaking of the lyrics, this one punches. Zo describes a love of music and how it reaches people. You can tell that he is very passionate about this project and it shines through this song. If you like to jam, this is definitely a song that you want to download for your playlist.

Check out the audio video below:

“While Taylor Swift is getting her Jet repainted, or just getting a new Jet to replace it, Check out this artist who hasn’t made bank off bad boyfriend experiences,” Zo said on social media.

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